What kind of job do we need in a transition town?
Social Art gives us some important perspectives how we can live together in a more pacifistic and sustainable way.
One of my favorites, not only my personal favorit for thirty years since 1981, but a necesessary working place is the complex field of Direct Democracy.
The most relevant and first method of participative action was worked out by Moritz Ritttinghausen. His concept of Dreistufige Volksgesetzgebung in Germany was later discussed, reinvented and new published in different results by Weimarer Nationalversammlung, Parlamentarischer Rat, Peter Schilinski, Wilfried Heidt and Joseph Beuys. These three persons have influenced, impulsed and teached the following movement in Volksentscheid, Volksabstimmung, Bürgerentscheid.
In the new millenium and 2013 I would prefer the expression Bürger, Citizen and not Volk, Nation or People any longer. In the global world we have to cooperate in the form of citizen and regional groups of specific interets. The concept nation as state (STAAT) is over and dangerous as we can see in the most parts of the world, were nation is the most influencing idea instead of direct democracy by citicens and with citizens!
Certainaly most politicians and a lot of pseudo-revolutional groups do all for surpressing the realization of Direct Democracy.
So we have to find creative ways starting like Grasroot Graswurzel to become a majority which will agitate pazifisticly in social revolution with really constructive political ideas of Tripartition Trimembração Dreigliederung.
Direct Democracy, Direkte Demokratie, Democracia Directa works only by, with and for citicens,which are thinking in sustainable practise.
The idea of DIRECT DEMOCRACY DEMOCRACIA DIRECTA DIREKTE DEMOKRATIE is connected with ethical aims in sutainibilty and transition town.
Democracia Directa Workshop Direct Democracy Direkte Demokratie Portugal Algarve 2013
People, groups and institutions, which are interested in talking and working for direct democracy, could invite me for lecture, workshop or action.
We will celebrate a special event together with the aims of Your local situation and questions!