“Why IPBES also in Antalya suppresses biodiversity dangers from GMO HGT in Pollination Crop Seed Food Security?” asked Dipl. Biol. Dirkmarkus Lichtenberger also in some critical questions at 2. Nationales Forum zu IPBES Bonn 2013.
“IPBES lost scientific credibility by suppression biodiversity dangers GMO HGT pollination food security seeds crops and other living beings“, regrets Dirkmarkus Lichtenberger.
“HGT Horizontal Genetransfer can bring naked … read more
Pingback: Skandal: IPBES Antalya verlor Glaubwuerdigkeit wegen GMO Bestaeubung Affaere Dirkmarkus Lichtenberger | ALGARVE SEEDBANK SAATGUTBANK BANCO DE SEMENTES Dirkmarkus Lichtenberger
Pingback: 2013 Antalya Consensus IPBES will end in ruin of credibility and transparency | Dirkmarkus Lichtenberger